Account Congrats Layout
Component used for the congratulation screen once the user has successfully entered.
Accounts List
Component used to list a customer's accounts.
Baas Menu
Contains the following UI action items:
Uses the MainMenu component to send extra items to the core menu.
Personal Details
This action item should implement the PiiOnboarding module. Go to Baas X PiiOnboarding to see how this functionality is linked.
Bank Account Actions
Configure Payroll
Logout: This action item should implement the Authentication module logout implementation.
Card Layout
Receives a card data object and handles the fetch and display of the extended information of that card, such as the available balance and the card image.
Transactions List
It receives a transaction array from Transactions State to render
Reccurrent Transfer Form
It renders the neccessary fields to create an "Scheduled Transfer" recurrent or single.
Transfer name
Frequency: Monthly, Single
Send on: the list of days of a month from
First transfer date: Send now, Set date
If the transfer is Single then this field is set by default to
Set date
First transfer preferred date: If the
first transfer date
isSet date
then the user should specify a date.Duration: No ending date, Number of transfers.
If the transfer is Single then this field is set by default to
Numnber of transfers
Number of transfers: if the
is set toNumber of transfers
then the user should specify the number of typeNumber
.If the transfer is Single then this field is set by default to
Recurrent Transfer List
List of scheduled transfers
Params Name | Type | Description |
data | RecurringTransfer[] | Array with the list of transfers obtained and stored in the redux |
isLoading | boolean | Boolean that determines if transfers are being charged |
loadMoreTransfer | ()=>void | Function that is executed when requesting to load more data |
onPressEdit | (itemTransfer: GetRecurrentTransferDetails) => void (optional) | |
onPressDeleteRecurrentTransfer | (itemTransfer: GetRecurrentTransferDetails) => void | Event that to eliminate the transfers, receives the transfer id as a parameter |
onPressUpdateRecurrentTransfer | ()=>void (optional) | Event that works to edit the data of a transfer |
onRefreshList | ()=>void (optional) | Method that is executed when a request is made to refresh the view |
isRefreshing | boolean (optional) | Boolean that determines if a refresh of the view was requested |
Recurrent Transfer Jobs List
List of transfers that are executed in a number of days after the current date
Params Name | Type | Description |
data | RecurrentTransferJobs[] | Array with the list of transfers obtained and stored in the redux |
isLoading | boolean | Boolean that determines if transfers are being charged |
loadMoreTransfer | ()=>void | Function that is executed when requesting to load more data |
onPressCancelRecurringTransfer | (TransferId: string) => void |
Recurrent Transfer Form
Form used to create a recurring transfer
Params Name | Type | Description |
updateRecurrentTransfer | (values: RecurrentTransfer) => void | Method that updates the state where the information that the user enters to schedule a transfer is stored |
recurrentTransferValues | RecurrentTransfer | Object with the values that the user selects to schedule a transfer |
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