External Accounts

To add your list of external accounts, you will need to import the following components and submit some required props.

List header:

Import the following component into your file and add it:

import { HeaderList } from 'LinkerStudio/modules/baas/components/molecules';
import strings from 'LinkerStudio/modules/baas/localization';
   event={() => null}

Prop Description

  1. title: Title to be displayed on the left (required).

  2. subTitle: Title to be displayed on the right (optional).

  3. event: Event that is executed when pressing the item.

  4. subTitle (optional).

List Item

Import the following component into your file and add it:

import { SecondaryAccountItem } from 'LinkerStudio/modules/baas/components/molecules';
   event={() => null}

Prop Description

  1. iconRight: Icon to be displayed to the right of the item (optional).

  2. iconLeft: Icon to be displayed to the left of the item (optional).

  3. title: String that will show the title of the item (required).

  4. subTitle: String to be displayed under the title (optional).

  5. value: Value to be displayed to the right of the title (optional).

  6. event: Event that is executed when pressing the item.

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