
The recurring transfers work by creating some of the jobs needed in the next months, but not all of them. This is because the Client needs to know the next 30 days of transfers that will be executed.

Every time a job is executed by the Jobs Server or by the Linker API, it will generate the jobs that needs to be executed in the next 2 months, if there are already created, it will not change anything.

Main Flow

  • Client schedule a recurring transfer with the Linker API, if the transfer starts today, it will execute it immediately without passing to the Jobs Server, and it will schedule the next recurring transfer jobs that need to be executed, with status of PENDING. If it is not today, it will only create the jobs with status of PENDING.

  • Once the schedule execution day of a job arrives, the Scheduler Lambda will take it, change the status to IN_FLY, and send it to the SQS queue.

  • The SQS Queue will send the job in batches to the Processor Lambda.

  • The Processor Lambda will send the jobs to the Jobs Server.

  • The Jobs Server will:

    • Change the status of the job to PROCESSING

    • Execute the transfer with the BaaS provided

    • Change the status of the job to FINISHED

    • Schedule the next recurring transfer jobs that need to be executed. If something goes wrong with the BaaS, for example it is down, it will change the status of the job to RETRY so the Retries Lambda can take it and do all the flow again.

Last updated

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